The Feldenkrais Method®
For Adults

Learn to move with ease, decrease pain, and improve your flexibility. Fiona works with people who may have chronic or acute problems such as back, neck, or joint pain, fibromyalgia, neurological problems, or after injury or trauma.

Fiona gives one-on-one lessons working with gentle patterns of movement which allows the individual to find a path to recovery and a way to optimal function. Each session or lesson is designed to address the special needs and goals of the client or student. The lesson may be 25-30 minutes or the full session of up to 50-53 minutes. The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education can help someone improve their balance and coordination, regain function and improve their overall sense of well-being.

What is your goal? To improve your walking, stair climbing, or to be able to do your activities of daily living with more ease? Perhaps you are in the performing arts and wish to explore improved ease of movement and are curious about the way the Feldenkrais Method works and how it can improve your function. Or perhaps you wish to get back to riding your bicycle, playing tennis, hiking, horseback riding, or another sport.

Fiona has worked with a diverse population from teenagers with scoliosis, dancers, musicians, and people with neurological problems and orthopedic injuries to people who have chronic pain and movement problems. Fiona will work with you to develop a plan of care to target your specific needs and outline short and long term goals. Fiona can instruct you with a home program and provide short Awareness Through Movement lessons designed to assist you on your road to recovery.

Moshe Feldenkrais stated: “If you know what you are doing you can do what you want.” And that by decreasing the effort and strain in our movements and becoming more aware we can explore ways to improve our wellbeing and overall function.