Hello and Welcome!
I'm so pleased that you're interested in finding out more about healing, movement, and Health & Harmony PT & The Feldenkrais Method. I can discuss with you the type of work I offer and design a program around your specific needs. Tell me about your problem, pain issue, or difficulty with movement. What are your hopes? What do you wish to accomplish? Get in touch, I look forward to meeting you & learning more about your goals.
Fiona Upward
Fiona was a scholar at The Royal Ballet School in England. Following school, she studied at The Andrew Hardie's School of Dance. For eight years, Fiona was the Artistic Director of Ballet West Virginia.
In 1993, Fiona graduated from the WVU School of Medicine with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, and now specializes in manual therapy techniques and healing energy work.
Fiona graduated in 2001 from the first Mid Atlantic Feldenkrais' Training program. Fiona currently teaches Awareness Through Movement classes for both children and adults.
Fiona offers a range of classes in her varying specialties. Check out the Classes page for more information about getting in a class or workshop!
Fiona Upward teaches the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education in Star City, Morgantown,WV and helps people of all ages learn to move more easily. Contact Fiona to enrich your life and expand your abilities.
Learning new ways to move can be an essential addition to the treatment of neurological, orthopedic, chronic pain, and stress-related conditions. Easier movement means greater comfort performing everyday activities at work or home, and greater skill in athletic and artistic pursuits.
As you expand your awareness of how you think, sense, feel, and move, the possibilities for personal improvement and human development are limitless. Fiona provides gentle, innovative lessons in the Feldenkrais Method that will allow you to observe how you move, notice unnecessary tension, and improve your overall coordination.